What does it mean to be a Novice and what’s a Novice point of view?
Dallas Texas artist, The Novice Ve has found new ways to delve into the subconscious where she’s drawn inspiration from her own experiences. Incurably curious, the The Novice Ve remains a student to the many facets of the artistic realm.
I chose the name “The Novice Ve” because I live my life with a novice approach - a novice point of view. Creativity in exploration allows my art to flow in the direction in which my brush moves. A child-like perspective that is always new and changing, always arriving at a new place on this earth and in my own mind. What does it mean to be a Novice?
To be a Novice is to never settle on satisfaction. To be a Novice is to be a student, open and willing to a newness undiscovered.
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